Windows 11 review

Our Finding of fact

The Windows 11 operational system will be remembered for bringing Windows to the modern age, thanks to its updated design and better ways to give away and download apps. But deeper improvements persist to be made in future releases, such equally clarifications on system requirements and making Fluent Design more than just a reskin.


  • Reinvigorated Start up menu
  • Fluent Design is a wanted change
  • Paint, Snippet Tool are finally updated
  • Widgets bring on great
  • At last, Microsoft Store is usable


  • System requirements still confusing
  • Redesign feels more like a reskin
  • Tablet mode non As intuitive as we'd equivalent

TechRadar Verdict

The Windows 11 operational system will be remembered for delivery Windows to the modern age, thanks to its updated design and better ways to discover and download apps. But deeper improvements remain to represent made in future releases, so much as clarifications connected system requirements and making Fluent Designing more than just a reskin.


  • + Refreshed Start computer menu
  • + Silver-tongued Design is a welcome change
  • + Paint, Snip Tool are lastly updated
  • + Widgets work great
  • + At long last, Microsoft Store is usable


  • - System requirements still confusing
  • - Redesign feels more like a reskin
  • - Pad of paper mode not as visceral as we'd like

Windows 11 is finally present - which in close to ways is surprising, as Windows 10 was publicised Eastern Samoa the last ever update of Windows - one that would experience updates over the geezerhood, and at length, decades.

Windows 11 is now available to download and set u, and we've worn out time with the final release for this review. If you have any issues after downloading Windows 11, check into our how to fix Windows 11 problems for facilitate. Our Windows 11 features hub will likewise be updated as Microsoft adds new features to Windows 11 in the coming months and years.

In that respect's a saying that you either have to act on with the times OR the multiplication moves you, still, which may be wherefore we're right away eyesight Windows 11, the first major update to the operating system in years.

Showcasing a redesigned theme, untried-look apps from the late and present, alongside a break touch interface, it's an update that looks to have catered to casual users, and up to a point, power users as healthy.

There's still plenty of room for improvement for Windows 11, but for what's Hera on its release, it's an alluring update that looks to SHAPE the forthcoming of Microsoft, both for its software and hardware, for the next decade.

Windows 11 screenshot

(Image credit: Future / Microsoft)

Price and availableness

Windows 11 is free for anyone who meets the system requirements do by Microsoft.

The upgrade arrives in two versions; Home or Pro. The Favoring version has features mainly aimed at business users, just domicile users Crataegus laevigata like the fact that you john encrypt your knockout driving with a tougher encryption level for better security.

However, most regular users won't equal wanting out if they co-occur with the Habitation version - every exclusive feature in Windows 11 Pro is tailored for a business, not the home, so if you use a PC for fictive ferment OR gaming, OR just accidental use, there's little need for the Pro version.

Spell the give up upgrade is welcome, the communication close the system requirements in the run raised to Windows 11's release has been beautiful inferior. TPM was formerly honourable a corner topic - but now it's a better talking guide, with many users even questioning if their PC is compatible.

A new requirement for anyone to access Windows 11 will represent a Microsoft account and an net joining. Without these, you'll be cragfast at the set functioning screen. While understandable from ace perspective, it could frustrate others who just want to use a PC occasionally without having to create an account statement or invariant access to an internet connection.

There's also the question of information collection. Since the upgrade was useable to represent used in the Insider Build program to quiz Windows 11, there's currently atomic number 102 way of switching this hit, which raises a concern as to why there isn't an option here.

Microsoft has in the quondam got in a fleck of trouble finished the data it collects from users, and there was enough of a backlash that the company successful controlling what information was shared in Windows 10 easier for users.

It's a shame, then, that Microsoft appears to have taken a step back in this regard with Windows 11. Hopefully information technology'll be more transparent with the data it collects in the future, while providing tools to help users control what is – and isn't – shared.

Windows 11 screenshot showing the new File Explorer

(Image credit: Future / Microsoft)

Other Design

Microsoft successful sure to mention in the June 24 announcement of Windows 11 that the interface has seen a stellar redesign, which the companion is calling 'Fluent design', the heir to the Metro innovation oral communicatio that was first seen in Windows 8.

Connected first coup d'oeil it looks great - everything appears modern and refined, and File Explorer has finally seen an update, alongside the linguistic context menus, both nobelium thirster looking like the fourthly version of Windows XP.

Windows 11 screenshot showing how little has changed in some menus

(Image credit: Future / Microsoft)

But information technology's only when you go deeper that the similarities to Windows 10 remain. For instance, if you right-click in a leaflet and elevate the 'Properties' menu, you'll discovery the unchanged settings as before, but with rounded buttons and a recently icon.

Afterwards a while it dawns on you: this is a reskin of Windows 10. Patc it's a not bad footmark forward, more work of necessity to cost done. Getting free of the Ribbon interface in Indian file Explorer and other reinforced-in apps is a good start, as you right away have ten icons on the toolbar instead of four tabs and multitudinous settings found in Windows 10 and former versions that used the Ribbon interface.

It's one example of Windows 11 where it's a great first step, there scarcely needs to represent a hulk leap for Sir Thomas More.

Windows 11 screenshot showing the Widgets section

(Image credit: Future / Microsoft)

Gadgets are also back for Windows 11, only are now called 'Widgets'. These are found in their possess section, similar to macOS, so you can't freely spot them connected your background. Swipe from the left-hand side of meat of the screen brings them up, and they brawl their job for sting-sized information at a glance.

The only strange increase is the search bar in the widget windowpane - it feels less like a widget and Thomas More of a shortcut to make over you use the Bing search engine.

We also noticed that adding work accounts to a Calendar widget doesn't bring, but Microsoft tells us that it's aware of this, and a pay off is entering.

Windows 11 screenshot showing accessibility options

(Image credit: Future / Microsoft)


A big plus for Windows 11 is a new focus on Accessibility. IT's called 'Accessibility' alternatively of 'Ease of Manipulation', which paradoxically could be a disorienting name, only that's just the commence for Windows 11. Newfound options for sound alerts for visually-broken users can now notify when a message boxwood appears, an update is available, and much more.

Voice Typing fanny also aid other users in being capable to transliterate voice to text, whether that's for the Edge dea bar or when composing an email. There's also better support for magnification programs, speech commander apps and silver screen readers as well, though non all of those will be supported at launch.

Windows 11 screenshot showing Start menu

(Image quotation: Future / Microsoft)

Let's get to the point - the new Start menu in Windows 11 needs work. It feels half-done, as if IT's a stopgap betwixt Windows 10 and a touch user interface studied for the late Surface tablets.

Visually information technology looks great, but once you dig deeper, the issues begin to let on themselves. Everything is centered, with your apps being displayed, followed past a 'Suggested' segment. This is a strange placement, which shows your recent files and apps but you can't clear the list. When you click 'More', IT's vindicatory an expanded list with a date and the location of the files.

Also, when you try to search for something, it launches the Search app, which is a trifle jarring when it switches betwixt this and the Start menu. It lacks the unification of the Windows 10 Start menu, when you would try to look for something and the results would appear in an instant. IT feels one-half-baked and slower than before.

Another point is the Taskbar itself, where the new default location for the Start card and the icons is the mid. Again from a usableness perspective, it makes sense if you're using Windows 11 on a tablet device, but with a mouse, it doesn't make sense, and you'll just about likely want to flip-flop this back to the left (which, thankfully, can be easy done through the Settings app).

Windows 11 screenshot showing start menu in Dark Mode

(Paradigm mention: Future / Microsoft)

However, patc there's promise here, it needs refinement. Hopefully, at one time Windows 11 rolls out to everyone, feedback bequeath convince Microsoft that the new Starting time menu needs some other feeling. Peradventure this purpose can work for tab mode as a terminus a quo, and when victimization devices that put on't have a meet exhibit, the icons and Start menu can revert to their original positioning and in a direction to score IT to a greater extent accessible.

Microsoft has told us that they'Ra taking notice of the Feedback Hub, an app where information technology shows users' recommendations for Windows 11. There may equal more changes to the Taskbar and Start menu in the coming months.

Windows 11 screenshot of the new Paint app

(Visualise credit: Future / Microsoft)

Intrinsic Windows 11 apps

One common theme across Windows releases has been the lack of love tending to the built-in apps, such as Paint, Snip Puppet and more. But in Windows 11, they've totally been refreshed and updated, which is sure to please many users.

The aim for these looks to be a design that suits some a sneak away and touch input, and mostly IT succeeds for these apps. Paint is amusive to use once more, while Snippet Tool is finally the only app to control how you crop apps and make unnecessary them atomic number 3 an image.

Windows 11 screenshot showing the Clock app

(Paradigm credit: Hereafter / Microsoft)

Time is a surprising app to be redesigned here as fit. Now, information technology's where you potty grapple your metre to serve work thanks to 'Focus', a feature similar to one of the tentpoles of Apple's iOS 15 update, where Center allows you to create profiles that can equal automated depending on your calendar, localization and more.

Each of these apps finally looks unified with Windows 11 - there's no mix of Fluent Design and Underground design, something that Windows 10 suffers from. Everything looks refined, which is great to encounter from Microsoft.

Windows 11 screenshot showing the new Microsoft Store

(Image credit: Incoming / Microsoft)

Microsoft Store

Another thumping tentpole of Windows 11 is the redesigned Microsoft Store. It's no secret that it has felt a little neglected in Windows 10 recently. But, the new Microsoft Store looks to comprise a place where apps and even third-party stores can be accessed securely and without fear of malware.

The design of it is bare enough, with a search bar at the tip with instant results, alongside three categories to choose from on the sidebar to the left.

For new and novice users it's a great storefront to easily find apps, and it's a credit to Windows 11 as it's going to be a heroic timesaver for many citizenry, especially those who have got a new PC and wish to quickly and easily download organic apps.

Windows 11 screenshot

(Image acknowledgment: Future / Microsoft)

While IT was announced that Android apps from the Amazon Store will be arriving at some point, it looks the like we'll have to wait until a future update in 2022, enabling users to install apps such equally TikTok, Instagram and more.

Other Windows 11 features

There's other features exclusive to Windows 11 divided from the new Fluent Design refresh, Accessibility and the Microsoft Memory.

When you first start up a PC with a fresh establis of Windows 11, you'll follow minded the option to move back files and your desktop from OneDrive, synonymous to the Migration Assistant from macOS. It's a very welcome feature that's going away to help a lot of users, specially as it can remedy the focus when mise en scene up a new PC for the first time.

Windows 11 screenshot

(Simulacrum credit: Future / Microsoft)

At that place's also a inexperient way of managing incompatible apps that are open called Snap Groups. Spell this is more aimed towards touch screen devices, it's a much improved variant on the snapping of windows that was first introduced in Windows 10, and makes it so much easier when managing a multi-monitor setup.

In-in tandem with this, better multi-monitor support arrives in Windows 11, where the upgrade will recall where certain apps were placed if you disconnect a laptop from an external monitor, for example.

Windows 11 screenshot showing Xbox app

(Image credit: Future / Microsoft)

Gaming on Windows 11

In the past, gambling on Windows has had its fair share of ups and downs, from Games on Windows Live to the barebones Xbox app in Windows 10.

Simply, Microsoft has made foreordained to make gaming a tentpole of Windows 11, with the Xbox app forthwith assembled-in and more tightly integrated.

Better HDR support for games, plus Machine HDR for making non-HDR games look better when it comes to contrast, has also been added, which is very welcome so.

Windows 11 screenshot showing desktop in Dark Mode

(Effigy quotation: Future / Microsoft)

Final verdict

This is the first release of more to come for Windows 11, and based along what it brings, IT's a fantastic start. Fluent Design is a great heir to the Metro look that's been prevalent since Windows 8, and information technology brings the flair and color scheme of Windows to the modern age.

Notwithstandin, the redesign often feels like merely a reskin of Windows 10 at the moment unheeding of a change in buttons in Explorer, Paint, Snipping Instrument and other apps. As presently as you go deeper, you're looking at the Lapplander features as before, but with rounded corners and a new icon.

In the meantime, an cleared Microsoft Store is something that was needed for Windows, and IT's very easy to use. Aboard Android apps coming soon from Amazon, it's passing to be a great starting aim for casual users who deprivation to find their apps more easily.

For now though, while it's a great start for Windows 11, it's time for Microsoft to go deeper and tone to refine how other apps, such as Disk Direction and even Notepad, pot function in Windows 11. If you use a Personal computer occasionally, you're going to enjoy Windows 11, but for anyone who uses it for work or gaming for more than eight hours a day, you Crataegus laevigata find it's just an incremental update - only that may not be a bad matter either.

  • Hither's how to download and install Windows 11
Daryl Baxter

Daryl had been freelancing for 3 years before joining TechRadar, like a sho reporting on everything software-related. In his spare time helium's written a playscript, 'The Making of Tomb Raider', aboard podcasting and ordinarily found playing games old and new along his PC and MacBook Pro. If you have a story about an updated app operating theater one that's approximately to launch, drop him a line.

Windows 11 review


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